Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015


Jalur - Dalam thread sebelumnya sudah saya katakan harga daging sapi melambung tinggi itu momentum untuk segera menindaklanjuti permasalahan lama dengan tuntas, akhirnya terbongkar sudah siapa dalang dari permainan harga ini.

Bareskrim Polri menggrebek PT BPS yang merupakan importir sapi hidup dari Australia di Sepatan, Tangerang Rabu (12/8) malam.

"Kita dapatkan sekitar 17.000 dan 5.000, ya total 22.000 ekor sapi bakalan dan siap potong. Semuanya hidup. Kita masih dalami kemungkinan adanya tindak pidana termasuk kesengajaan menunda distribusi daging untuk memainkan harga," kata Kabareskrim Komjen Budi Waseso saat dihubungi Beritasatu.com, Rabu (12/8) malam.

Pantas yang ribut pada mogok tidak jualan daging sapi hanya pedagang di wilayah Jawa Barat, sementara di wilayah lainnya harganya dalam batas wajar, siapa yang bermain di wilayah tersebut, Anda pasti bisa menebaknya?

Inilah akhir babak "Presiden vs Mafia Daging", now live in Indonesia. Dulu-dulu ada gak sih strategi seperti ini di jalankan sama pemerintah?

Sekarang mafia daging di skak ster benteng pion. Gimana engga, kalaupun mereka tahan barang, supaya harga daging di pasaran jadi mahal, dengan alasan itu mereka mendesak pemerintah untuk import sapi lagi alasanya sih supaya masyarakat bisa beli daging dengan harga murah lagi, padahal mah itu untuk kepentingan bisnis mereka sendiri.

Dan kalau ternyata beneran untuk sementara pemerintah import, tapi yang import Bulog langsung, tidak lewat mereka lagi, trus mereka bisa apa?. Bikin rusuh, ya lawannya Polisi tongue emotikon. Daging yang terlanjur mereka timbun pun harus di jual, kalau perlu di jual rugi. Gottchaa.

Sementara AustraliA sebagai produsen, ya jelas lebih suka deal langsung dengan pemerintah / Bulog, kepastiannya lebih jelas.

Pak Jokowi emang "sadis", kasihan para mafia daging itu, bertahun2 di zona nyaman, pakai strategi yang itu-itu saja dan berhasil, tiba2 sekarang harus ngowoh. Piye jal ?

Demikianlah berita terkini dari persoalan MAHALNYA DAGING SAPI, kita tunggu para mafia lainnya untuk MUNCUL dengan permainan busuknya agar satu persatu bisa diselesaikan dengan tegas.

Salam NKRI Raya! sumber forum rakyat demokrasi

Paths - In the previous thread I've said beef prices soar the momentum to immediately follow the old problems through, finally revealed who the mastermind of the game already this price.

Criminal Investigation Police raided PT BPS which is an importer of live cattle from Australia in Sepatan Wednesday (12/8) evening.

"We get about 17,000 and 5,000, so a total of 22,000 head of cattle and ready to cut. Everything is alive. We still understood better the possibility of criminal acts, including intentional delay the distribution of meat to play the price," said Budi Waseso Kabareskrim Komjen Beritasatu.com when contacted Wednesday (12/8) night.

Worth the fuss on strike not only traders selling beef in West Java, while in other areas the price is within reasonable limits, who is playing in the region, you must have guessed it?

This is the final round of "The President vs. Mafia Meat", now live in Indonesia. No first-first strategy does not like this in the same run the government?

Now mafia meat in skak ster castle pawn. How engga, even if they hold the goods, so that the price of meat on the market so expensive, on the grounds that they urged the government to import cattle again the reason anyway so that people can buy meat at low prices again, but mah it for their own business interests.

And if it is real for the temporary import of government, but that Bulog imported directly, not through them again, then they can be anything ?. Make violent, yes his tongue Police emoticons. They already piled meat must be sold, if necessary, on selling at a loss. Gottchaa.

While Australia as a producer, so obviously prefer to deal directly with the government / Bulog, certainty clearer.

Pak Jokowi emang "sadistic", pity the meat mafia, bertahun2 in a comfort zone, use the strategy that's it and succeed, tiba2 now must ngowoh. Piye jal?

Thus the latest news of the expensive problem BEEF, we wait for the other mafia ARISE with rotten game that could be solved one by one firmly.

Homeland Raya greetings! the source of the people's democratic forum

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